2018 Back Home Again in Indiana

Jim Cornelison will make an encore appearance as the singer of "(Back Home Again in) Indiana" at the 2022 edition of the Indianapolis 500.

INDIANAPOLIS – Doug Boles had an inkling something special was brewing days before the 101st running of the Indianapolis 500.

While scampering around the speedway trying to accomplish a seemingly endless number of tasks required of the track president in the days earlier the race, he received an urgent phone call.

Terminate what you lot're doing, he was told.Y'all have to come up hear this.

Boles retreated to the track and found his spot at the forepart of the grid – the same place he'd be continuing on Race Day – and waited.

It wasn't long before he heard something that nearly knocked him over. It was the booming, beautiful, tenor vocalization of Jim Cornelison, belting out the homesick lyrics of  "(Dorsum Dwelling Again in) Indiana."

His jaw dropped.

"It was the well-nigh unbelievable thing," he said.

A few days later, a crowd of about 300,000 heard what he had three days before and many felt the same lumps in their throats that he had.

Goose bumps and tear drops permeated the speedway, equally Cornelison delivered that final, long, operatic note of the carol that means so much to Hoosiers around the world.

When he finished, the crowd went berserk. Social media exploded with an outpouring of appreciation for Cornelison and his centre-wrenching rendition of that curt Indiana song with a long Hoosier legacy.

"No demand to search for someone to always sing Dorsum Home Again in Indiana ever again," tweeted Hoosier and IMS Radio personality Nick Yeoman. "WOW!!!!! Spectacular!"

Boles' phone flooded with similar texts and notifications from delighted fans. Later on he wiped the tears from his eyes, he knew what would come next. He and IMS would later extend an invitation to Cornelison to brand him the beginning performer not named Jim Nabors to sing "(Back Home Again in) Indiana" consecutive times in more than than 60 years (Morton Downey Sr., 1952-53).

"Straight No Chaser did a great job (in 2015)," Boles said. "Josh Kaufman did a great job (in 2016), only I wasn't crying. Final year, as Jim Cornelison was singing and I'thousand standing at the front of the grid with tears rolling downward my face, that'southward what those xc seconds hateful. They really are the best xc seconds of the year."

James Cornelison makes his way in the track during Carb Day at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Friday, May 25, 2018.


Some volition call it coincidence. Others may choose to see it equally fate. Whatsoever it is, the "(Back Domicile Again in) Indiana" origin stories for both Jims are strikingly similar.

Virtually know that when Tony Hulman approached Nabors race twenty-four hours morn in 1972 asked if he wanted to sing, Nabors believed he was referring to the national anthem. Information technology wasn't until about 20 minutes before he was to perform that he learned that it wasn't the "The Star-Spangled Banner" he'd be singing but rather "(Back Home Again in) Indiana." Not knowing the words, the Alabama native quickly scribbled the lyrics on his hand and planted the seed of what would become a 500 establishment for the next twoscore-plus years.

Nearly a half-century later on, a like story would unfold for however some other operatic sensation.

While Cornelison wasn't sitting in the grandstands when he got the call, he was nether the impression when IMS officials chosen him that information technology was about singing the "The Star-Spangled Banner." Later on all, he had become nationally renowned and fabricated a career out of singing the national anthem before Chicago Blackhawks hockey games. In fact, his 26,000-plus Twitter followers know him equally the @Anthem_Singer.

But but as with Nabors, IMS officials had a dissimilar song in heed when they came calling.

Cornelison was defenseless off baby-sit past the offer just immediately intrigued. Ninety-nine times out of 100, he's hired to sing the anthem. This would be a different claiming entirely.

Here is where Nabors' and Cornelison's paths diverge. While Nabors only had 20 minutes to set up, Cornelison had nearly a month. And he treasured that time. Also frequently, Cornelison said, performers approach the singing of an iconic song like the canticle or "God Bless America" without trying to truly understand what it means to the millions who cherish it.

He tin't sympathize that. Frank Sinatra, Cornelison said, used to speak the lyrics, talk them out in a normal vocalisation every bit he tried to unearth the essence of a song'due south pregnant.

Cornelison goes through a similar process. In the months earlier his 500 debut, he lived with "(Dorsum Home Again in) Indiana" on his mind and on his lips. He allow it move him, as he tried to empathise it.

He owed that attempt to millions of people who would listen to his rendition Race 24-hour interval morning, he explained. The human relationship between the audience and performer is a sacred trust that must be respected.

 "It'due south a real honor and privilege to accept the opportunity to sing these iconic songs and to speak to people," Cornelison said. "Knowing the words and singing the notes is the basic level of what's expected from you. I'm trying to find something a picayune deeper … to engage and connect with them. If y'all practise that, and then you've reached a soft place in their heart. Yous've reached a place where they've opened themselves to you. And that in itself is a privileged place to be in other peoples' lives."

Though he, like Nabors, was not born in Indiana, Cornelison considers himself a Hoosier. He a 1992 graduate of the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University, and lived in Indianapolis off and on during his early developed life. Before being asked to perform, he'd heard "(Dorsum Home Again in) Indiana" many times.

Still, that didn't terminate him from studying the words and letting them transport him to that wistful place it takes so many Hoosiers on Race Day morning time.

"It's warm, and it's happy," Cornelison said of the vocal written in 1917 and which later became a Jazz standard Louis Armstrong performed. "The first time I heard it, information technology felt a piffling sad. But as I sang it more than, man, for me anyway, this is coming home. Y'all can't aid but get-go feeling nostalgic. A happy nostalgic. It's warm and the feelings are good. For a piddling while, you lot're letting yourself migrate dorsum to a really skilful place, an ideal place.

"That's what I wanted to practice with information technology, make people experience like life is good, with an assertion bespeak."


No one will ever replace Jim Nabors, Cornelison said days earlier his return to IMS for the 102nd running of the 500. It's impossible. He sang too beautifully and meant besides much to then many Hoosiers for anyone to ever take his place.

He'south non wrong. Legendary speedway historian Donald Davidson told IndyStar recently, "I'll bet you that if the IndyStar ran a poll nigh who is the nigh dearest, iconic person in the history of the track, (Jim Nabors) would be No. 1. Even ahead of most of the drivers."

"Information technology got to the point, where him singing was the virtually important freaking affair that could happen," Davidson chuckled. "I'm being facetious, but information technology was almost like if he couldn't do information technology, then we have to cancel the race!"

Davidson would later explain that information technology wasn't only the vocal and the mode Nabors performed information technology that made him so beloved. It was how he carried himself earlier and afterward. It was that he always seemed genuinely happy to see you. Always smiling, always ready to pose for a photograph or sign an autograph.

The legacy of Jim Nabors isn't his operation, it'south his graphic symbol. And if Cornelison hopes to ever become ingrained in the material of the pre-race ritual as Nabors was, information technology will take more his astounding singing vocalization.

Those who know him say Cornelison is cut from the same cloth.

Boles raved about working with him. Jay Gephart, director of the Purdue "All-American" Marching Band, which traditionally performs with the vocalizer of "(Dorsum Dwelling Again in) Indiana," was floored by the extraordinary effort Cornelison put into beingness in Indianapolis in time for rehearsal with the ring on Race Day morning.

That wouldn't normally have been an issue. Cornelison was supposed to exist Indianapolis for the weekend, simply his female parent passed abroad and he flew to Washington to exist with his family for her memorial service on the day before the race.

As before long equally wrapped upwards his family obligations, he hopped on a red-eye and flew eleven hours back to Indianapolis. He arrived at 1:30 in the morn and was at the runway, tired and emotionally wearied, ready to rehearse with the band by eight a.m.

"He was willing to get above and beyond the call of duty to rehearse with our students. He was just incredibly accommodating," said Gephart, who has performed with Nabors mutiple times. "I can tell you he is the same kind of complete professional and gentleman that Jim Nabors was. So easy to work with."

And of course, Gephart said, his functioning was astounding.

"From that first note ... information technology was nearly similar going back home to when Jim Nabors was there," he said. "His voice is so similar. And that'due south 1 of the reasons why I think folks admittedly loved it."

Even before Sunday's encore performance, Gephart said he hoped Cornelison would be invited back next year. Boles echoed that sentiment, and Cornelison told IndyStar he'd be beyond thrilled to make it three in a row next yr.

Only all of them know it's not up to them. The song, the institution it has get, has a life of its ain. It's doesn't vest to whatever of them. Information technology belongs to the track. It's like that adage y'all ever here about the Indy 500: The rail chooses her winner. Well, the track chooses the performer of its about iconic song, too.

"The tradition is the singing of the song," Boles said. "But the fans will tell us if in that location'southward a performer who becomes part of that tradition. ... It'due south not our job to pick that. That job belongs to them, and we tin't look to see what they say."

But if they respond to him this time like they did last year, we'll probably be request him to come back that 24-hour interval."

Follow IndyStar Motor Sports Insider Jim Ayello on Twitter and Facebook: @jimayello.


Source: https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/motor/indy-500/2018/05/25/cornelison-poised-take-back-home-again-indiana-torch-indy-500-icon-nabors/645244002/

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